Maryan, B., Keogh, J.S., Bolton, P.E. (2023). Phylogeny and morphology of the Australian endemic snake genus Neelaps Günther, 1863 (Squamata: Elapidae), with resurrection of Narophis Worrell, 1961. Australian Journal of Taxonomy, 35: 1-25 DOI: 10.54102/ajt.29hub Rasband, S.A., Bolton, P.E., Fang, Q., Johnson, P.L.F., Braun, M.J. (2023) Evolution of the growth hormone gene duplication in passerine birds. Genome Biology and Evolution, 15: evad033. DOI: 10.1101/2022.07.29.502092
Riley, J.L., Noble, D.W.A., Stow, A.J., Bolton, P.E. ,While, G.M., Dennison, S., Byrne, R., Whiting, M.J. (2021). Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:722455 DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.722455
Riley, J.L, Stow, A.J., Bolton, P.E., Dennison, S. Byrne, R., Whiting, M.J. (2021). Sperm storage in a family-living lizard, the tree skink (Egernia striolata). Journal of Heredity, 112: 526-534 DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esab048
Bolton, P.E., Griffith, S.C. 2021.Evolution in aviculture: loss of genetic diversity and headcolour morph frequency divergence in the domesticated Gouldian finch. Emu, 121: 55-67. DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2020.1859336
Bolton, P.E., Balakrishnan, C.N. 2020. Behavioral Genetics: Dissecting a Supergene to Understand Behavior. Current Biology, 30: R1438-1441. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.081
Bolton, P.E., Rollins, L.A., Brazill-Boast, J., Maute, K.L., Legge, S., Austin, J.J., Griffith. S.C. 2018. Genetic diversity through time and space: diversity and demographic history from natural history specimens and serially sampled contemporary population of the threatened Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Conservation Genetics, 19: 737-754.DOI: 10.1007/s10592-018-1051-1
Andrew, S.C., Awasthy, M., Bolton, P.E., Rollins, L.A., Nakagawa, S., Griffith, S.C. 2018. The genetic structure of the introduced house sparrow populations in Australia and New Zealand is consistent with historical descriptions. Biological Invasions, 20: 1507-1522. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1643-6
Bolton, P.E., Rollins, L.A., Brazill-Boast, J., Kim, K-W, Burke, T., Griffith, S.C. 2017. The colour of paternity: extra-pair paternity in the wild Gouldian finch does not appear to be driven by genetic incompatibility between morphs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30: 174-190. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12997
Griffith, S.C., Crino, O.L.... <5 authors>... Bolton, P.E....<44 authors>. 2017. Variation in reproductive success across captive populations: methodological differences, potential biases and opportunities. Ethology, 123:1-29. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12576
Bolton, P.E., West, A.J, Cardili, A.P.A, Clarke, J.A., Maute, K.L., Legge, S., Brazill-Boast, J., Griffith, S.C., Rollins, L.A. 2016. Three molecular markers show no evidence of population genetic structure in the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Plos One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167723
Bolton, P.E., Rollins, L.A., Griffith.S.C. 2016. Colour polymorphism is likely to be disadvantageous to some populations and species due to genetic architecture and morph interactions. Molecular Ecology, 25: 2713-2718 DOI: 10.1111/mec.13632
Bolton, P.E., Rollins, L.A., Griffith, S.C. 2015. The danger within: the role of genetic, behavioural, and ecological factors in population persistence of colour polymorphic species. Molecular Ecology . 24: 2907-15. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13201